A full-blown journey with 5MeO DMT is an experience that can be nothing short of terrifying: a rocket-launch into the heart of the Mystery... this

heart of the Mystery around which all APOLLO adventures can be said to orbit... The following is an attempt at putting into words that which cannot be...

you have dared to leave

the Dream of the Human Monkey

and enter the Mystery

you have agreed to the rush

of imploding consciousness

reflecting back makes one shiver:

when the veil is lifted

(i mean, ripped apart

in infinite tornadoes of silence)

the scene behind drills holes in the eyes

through which you pass

— breathe! —

like a sun collapsing

thru light-years of Creation

— breathe! —

past this howling hologram

into the Emptiness of Non-Existence

(words cannot keep up and turn back)

— breathe! —

(each obsidian breath expands the chest)

as you surrender to the raging wilderness

to the Source that Knows No Boundary

— keep breathing! —

it is your birthright to awaken

fluent in the Living Language of Light

but aware of the Emptiness Behind the Mask

mankind has built cities of concrete

to cover that impossible foundation

it has written volumes of scriptures

to hide that unspeakable truth

all the wise Ancestors of your Future & Past

they wear headdresses of feathers

from birds that never flew and never will

let it be known:

dead you are already

let it now be known:

all is healed

in the Experience of Oneself

and let it forever be known:

love cannot be compared

at least not until

in a drop of dew it crystallizes anew

and you reenter the Dream of the Human Monkey