Cap d'Antibes



Walking the rugged coastline of the Cap of my birthtown (home to some of the most exclusive real estate on the planet) i am drawn to a small marble plaque bolted in the rock: "pour SABRINA / emportee par une vague / le 28 octobre 1997 / a l'age de 15 ans".

O Sabrina, thy fated name!
(according to legend that of a Welch princess who drowned in the Severn river, giving her name to it)

O Sabrina, thy fated rendez-vous!
(in the Maya Calendar 10-28-97 was the day 9 MANIK' (Deer) belonging to the trecena KAWAK [Storm]. A day representative of "self-sacrifice for the greater good". On that day the sun was at 5 deg. of Scorpio, with the associated Sabian symbol: “A massive rocky shore resists the pounding of the sea")

O Sabrina, thou “sad virgin”!
(whose tears moists my skin as i kneel by her name)


Sacrificed to appease Poseidon she was taken by him. But in turn he must have been taken by her for she now rides in his chariot, dolphins alongside.

I intuit this because a few days later i undertake a swim around the Cap in a token ritual of acknowledgement for her who i never met yet who touched my soul. ‘Minos’ happens to be the model name of the monofin i wear (the Minos of Greek myth, having offended Poseidon, was responsible for finding virgin youths to feed the Minotaur, the monstrous being born of that offense).

Reversing the course the sacrificed maiden had taken i climb from sea to shore. A crab pinches my toe, drawing blood.